Merry Matrimony
Roy DUNGAN, the aeronaut, billed to make an ascension here last Saturday,failed to make good on account of high wind, which prevented same. Citizens aswell as DUNGAN, thought the wind would lay late in the afternoon and theascension could be made, but the wind proved too strong. However, DUNGAN didmake an ascension, Tuesday afternoon about five o'clock but did not go very highon account of the balloon being wet.William SMITH had the honor of bringing the first load of cotton to market herethis year. The load weighed 980 pounds and brought four cents a pound. (Success)We had another quite-at-home wedding here last week when Calvin ADAMS and MissLizzie ASHER embarked on a life time voyage on the sea of matrimony. (Success)C.G. JOHNSON seems to have the good of the town at heart. He is having hisresidence remodeled and the work on his two-story concrete business house isbeing pushed every day. That's the idea, give us more good business houses of'brick and stone.' (Success)Due A. BROWN, fat and jolly farmer of near Palatka, was a business visitor inthis city Wednesday.A case brought to Esquire SULLINS' court Tuesday, under the caption of Abe BROWNvs officials of the town of Peach Orchard, was tried by jury and results in averdict for the town officials.The town of Peach Orchard became an incorporated city about two years ago andthe city administration started the work of laying out streets and alleys.Mr. BROWN owned property on Second Street and when the other streets wereopened, prevented the opening of the street passing his property. The townofficials claim they made a number of propositions to Mr. BROWN, not wanting totrouble. Recently they tore the fence away and opened up the street and theabove lawsuit followed.The trial was set for last week before Esquire CRUTCHFIELD but a change of venuewas taken before Esquire SULLINS and the case tried by jury, with the aboveresult. 59ce067264